Monday, February 20, 2017

First Flower Garden boxed sets for 2017

I simply love dyeing floss for the flower garden sets. I have sold many different sets over the past few years and they always sell out.

I wanted to start with some spring flowers....but my favorite names for flower sets always have Mother or Grandmother in them......these are no exception. This first set (I will be dyeing 6 flower sets this month and next) will be My Mother's Flower Garden. Great for spring flowers, birthday gift or for Mother's Day in a couple months.
These first colors are Columbines, Delphinium, Red Tulip, Grape Hyacinth, Bleeding Heart, Amaryllis, Alpine Pinks, Aster, Early Bluebells, Butterfly Bush and Iris.
Lots of variegation in half of these and subtle tone on tone in the rest.
I am carding and boxing these today. They are $27.99 plus postage. Reserve yours today or Email me with orders. I will also list them on Ebay soon.

Spring will be here soon....although it has been warm enough and feels like it now.....and I will have more beautiful flower colors available soon. I ordered 60 new cones from DMC that should arrive this week and hit the dye pot.

All of the colors are dyed for next month's clubs. Limited Edition and Primitive Limited Editions....I wish I could show them as they are spectacular...but you have to wait and get them in the mail!
I will show them after the orders have been received.

Have a great day. Thanks for stopping by to look at my flowers!


  1. Nancy the colors are so pretty. I am ready for some Spring stitching out in the warm sunshine.

  2. What lovely colors, Nancy! It won't be long before we are seeing something similar in our yards.

  3. The colors are gorgeous, and I really enjoyed seeing how the thread looks before it's carded.

  4. The colors are gorgeous. Thank you for the opportunity to win!

  5. Oh, you are such a tease! Can hardly wait to get my Limited Edition Club set! So far I have loved every single color!
    Love your new flower set too and look forward to seeing what new ones you come up with for us!
    Thanks, Nancy.
