All of the club invoices will go out tomorrow (Saturday). I will start at 6 AM and it will take 12 hours. If you do not receive your invoice by early evening please contact me. We always have several that don't go through the first time...I wish they did...and I thank you for your patience with Paypal.
Please pay your invoice as soon as you can. I know there is a holiday and everyone is very busy and I appreciate you taking the time to pay the invoice. I would like to get all the shipping labels printed on Sunday, again this takes more than 12 hours, and then I can mail packages on Monday and Tuesday. I need to have everything done by the 4th as my company will be arriving on the 5th. As I said in an earlier post, if you can't make the payment by the 4th you will have to wait until the 10th for me to mail your club shipment. Thank you for understanding.
So sorry that I didn't see this Saturday. Was thinking you would invoice today! I have not received my invoice yet. Hope you had a wonderful Easter weekend!