Sunday, January 27, 2019

Shipping rate increase....PLEASE READ

As you all know, there was a postal rate increase today. The first class rate for packages increased 11.9%.  BIG increase. If you currently get the 6 skein package it was $14.99 with postage. Good thing I give a free skein with the club shipments. The new rate is $15.75. But it gets more complicated because they change the rate depending on what zone it ships to. The father you are the more the increase. And any postal discounts I have I will pass on to you.

Lets get creative with the packing. Because their rates stay the same for a few ounces....some packages will require the increase. Can't get around it. BUT.....if I send linen in a poly envelope it might saves a few ounces for the cardboard box. But if you get linen and a boxed set it will require the box unless we omit the little gift box.....

If you get a box of 12 skeins I don't charge for the little gift box. I could send them in a zip bag (some customers always get them that way as they don't use the boxes).....and then they could be shipped in a poly bag and not the cardboard box. Please send me an email if this option will work for you.

I will do all I can to help.

This month each package will be weighed and the increase applied. Rather than go in and try to change 500 invoices I will wait and weigh each order and apply the increase next month to your invoice. It will make it easier. I will still need to change 500 invoices but I will know the exact amount to add. A paperwork nightmare!

Ebay has sent me three notices regarding the increase as it will affect sales. One skein of floss will be $3.94 postage! But 12 skeins ships for the same price so that helps. Online sales are going to take a big hit for sure.

Thank you for working with me on the packing and shipping rates.



  1. Good Morning Nancy - get plenty of headache medicine to keep on hand. Sorry you have to go thru this, but I personally will endure any increase to keep your glorious flosses coming.

  2. Yikes....I still haven’t “adjusted” to the last time postal rates went up (I do a few online auctions, etc.). And wowsers....500 invoices is a lot to change.... Hang on to your sanity my friend! Have a warm and cozy Sunday....we are bracing for a storm and then some a deep freeze (even by OUR standards LOL). Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin

  3. Largest increase in years! I'm still speechless as to why it was such a huge increase.

  4. Your flosses are fabulous, don't need the wee gift box so in a poly envelope is fine.

    Slàinte Mhath

  5. They've made it so complicated. I saw something with the price per once for each zone, but there was no indication of where each zone was! I'm sure that info is somewhere, but I don't know where. What a nightmare. I'll email my preferences to you.
