It's almost that time of year here in the states......our traditional Thanksgiving on the 4th Thursday in November. The date this year is the 23rd and I am having my usual Be Ye Thankful give-away to celebrate. Since the original day was a celebration of the harvest....I like to celebrate a harvest of friends! And I am very thankful for each and every one of you.
I thought I would put together a nice selection of goodies to surprise one lucky winner. So you will have to wait and see what it is! These surprises usually have a value of $50 or more as I like to include a nice selection. You can suggest what you would like...floss, fabric (linen or aida), charts, motto kit, etc.....but first you have to tell me what you are thankful for!
I am always thankful for many things....my wonderful family that surrounds me.....the blessings I have received...and the friends and followers I have met which is the best part of this business. From all over the world I have met the nicest group of people that I enjoy chatting and sharing with.
The give-away will be on the 22nd of November as I will be very busy on the holiday.
Rules: You must be a follower at the right. Click to follow by Faithful Friends.
You must post a comment here. Post on your blog, stitching group or facebook and get 100 more entries. We want lots of stitchers to have a chance to win a gift. You must check back to see if you are a winner as I don't have time to hunt you down! lol
Thanks for stopping by...and good luck to all who enter. Let the comments begin. So tell me what you are thankful for. I am thankful for.............
Remember......All you can take with you is that which you've given away.
If you have the time you should read the comments. I am honored that my friends share their personal stories with us....and you will see why this is my favorite give-away!