I don't think I have even been so busy with so many projects.......but I am NEVER too busy to share with my stitching friends with a give-away!
I have the new collections done....wow....a lot of work. Lets start with The Hearthside Collection. Warm and rich colors to stitch with, just a few are: Spinning Wheel, Country Loom, Lamplight, Old Lantern, Penny Rug, etc. $25 All of these are available Oct 8th and you can pre-order now.
Next we have Grandmother's Favorite Quilts. I selected 12 old fashioned favorites, Jacob's Ladder, Dresden Plate, Ohio Star, Nine Patch, Irish Chain, etc. These colors are a little lighter and softer than this photo according to my monitor......perfect for an antique sampler look. $25
And I saved my favorite for last. The Red & Cream Collection. My whole kitchen is red and cream....love it....antique Griswold pans everywhere......this set has 4 shades of cream, each a little different. Biscuit, Shortcake, Buttermilk and Buttercream. The reds....love these reds! Two shades of Sampler Red, Simply Red, Strawberry Pie, Berry Wine, Antique Red, Holiday Red and Favorite Red. I already have pre-orders for almost 30 boxes!!! I would say there are a lot of you out there that like red and cream. I also just put in another order with DMC for more cones to dye these colors again. I think these will be a sell out quickly. These are the new floss prices with the DMC increase, $29.
Now the give-away!!!! You get to PICK YOUR FAVORITE BOX!!!! I though you might like this one. RULES!!!! You must be a follower at the right. Click to follow by Faithful Friends. You must post a comment here. *****POST on your Facebook, stitching group or blog and get 100 more entries!!!!
Drawing to be October 15th. You must check back to see if you are a winner. Good luck everyone. The Floss Fairy
Still very busy here....counting, carding, boxing, counting, carding, carding, tired of carding floss! Some days I think I can't count to 20 and card one more floss color. I did 700 yesterday in between a million other things.
So I was changing the colors in the Primitive Collection. These were limited editions and I started out with dozens of tans and browns and a few other colors. I slowly added blues and greens, plum, wine, pinks, as I thought I needed to round it out a bit. Last week 12 colors hit the dye pot and I added them....or shall I say I replaced some older colors. As I run low on a limited edition I replace it with a new color. I think 29 of these colors have been replaced in the last 6 months so it is almost like a new collection.
I also decided to make it 45 skeins instead of 46. There are 900 yards of stitching pleasure for $90. I also ordered boxes to fit this collection. They are 7 x 10 inches and 2 inches deep and hold them perfect. You be the judge:
These boxed sets will be available October 7th and only direct through me and not on ebay. You can place your order now to hold one for you. nbelgian@aol.com
I will be boxing the Hearthside Collection and the Red and Cream Favorites this weekend and I will show them to you. They will also be available October 7th along with a lot of other new goodies and give-aways.
Thanks for stopping by to see the new colors. As you can imagine....I need to get back to carding floss!
We have a winner today for the Autumn Splendor boxed set of floss. 12 skeins, 20 yards each. Lots of beautiful Autumn colors in this limited edition. I will be listing more of these soon and you will be able to order them at that time.
Congratulations to Janet Howe! Please email me, nbelgian@aol.com and give me your address.
Thank you to all who entered. I will have another give-away very soon!
I get emails all the time asking when I will have new limited edition boxed floss sets. They are really popular and sell out quickly. So this time as I am working on the new sets I will delay showing them until the 8th of October. I am getting a lot of inventory ready for a large group of stitchers that are visiting in October. After they are done shopping I will show all the new sets that are available. I was telling a friend of mine that I wanted to show some of the new boxes but when I show the new sets they can sell out in 48 hours. All this work on inventory and I need to keep it until the stitchers arrive! lol
I needed to box more of the current sets I have listed on ebay. So 50 of those boxes are done. I even boxed the Primitive Collection of 45 skeins and it looks real nice. Then I am working on new boxes....I think you will love these! Grandmother's Favorite Quilts. Each color has a quilt pattern name. I had to go through a lot of pattern names and came up with 12 of my personal favorites. I dyed all new limited editions for all of these boxes....my goodness you should see the racks of floss around here. I even sent three boxes to my Kansas friends and they and some guild members carded some floss for me. Great group of ladies! Now if I sent out 30 more boxes I would be done! lol
Next I am doing my favorite.....The Red and Cream Collection. 4 cream colors and 6 reds (8 skeins but two of the reds will have 40 yards of that color). Everyone knows red is my favorite color and cream goes so well with it. DMC shipped the box of red cones and they will be here next week and quickly hit the dye pot. I also ordered some of the 115 variegated red but that has to come from France and it will take 4-6 weeks to get here. I also over dye that color just a bit to customize it. I will also keep 20 yard skeins of the 115 in stock. I have had gals tell me it is hard to find in some stores.
Next....I wanted a winter selection of floss. What I came up with is The Hearthside Collection. Rich, warm colors to cozy up with and stitch with this winter. I still have to dye a couple more colors in this collection next week and then do a marathon of carding floss. It will be a miracle if these arthritic hands hold out. And then the first week in October I will put a week vacation notice on my ebay store to give me a break. Orders can be placed but they will be mailed out when I return.
If I have time.....I would like to do a new Christmas Collection. They are always so popular.
I also bought a few larger boxes to play with. If I can fit all 138 skeins of the Ultimate Collection in the 12x12x2" box it will look super. I will be playing with that floss this weekend.
And I have been cutting 1/2 yard pieces of my 32ct linen to dye next week. One yard pieces sell quickly but I wanted to dye some new colors and half yards. If I could add one more day to the week I could get all of this done. And I am still packing trims....I will list those in October on ebay and show them here.
And what else am I up to? I am having my son cut some horn books out of walnut. I am thinking 6x6 with a handle would be a nice size to display needlework. I may sell some of those just by themselves. I know a lot of you have small designs to mount. I will practice some different mounting techniques and share those with you in October. I had him put a hold on making the boxes for me because I wanted some other things first. And I had him make me 50 of the mini motto frames. I don't have to carve them and I will still have those in my inventory but I have dropped the large frames. I have a couple orders to finish for some old customers and then I might do one here and there as my hands allow. But I have removed all the frame listings from my ebay store.
I have almost 50 of the little hornbook floss keepers done. I might show them before my guests arrive...not sure yet.
I think that's about it for today......lots going on here for sure. I might give you a sneak peek of the boxed sets when I have them all done.
We have a Birthday winner drawn today, Susan Greening Davis. We want to all wish her a very Happy Birthday! Her Birthday is on the 13th. Please email me Susan and give me your address so I can send you a nice gift. nbelgian@aol.com
I want to wish everyone a very Happy Birthday if you have a birthday this month. Make sure I have your month and date of your birthday and join the Birthday Club. I select a name on the 1st of each month and send a gift.