OK.....I figured I might as well put the last box together to finish these new colors I dyed for flowers. These are brighter than the previous dried flowers set. This is the Old Fashioned Flower Garden. Coral Bells, Snapdragons, Primrose, Rose of Sharon, Clematis, Bellflower, Bachelors Buttons, Lobelia, etc. You get the idea!
I will have a give-away on these after we have a few of the others out of the way. Maybe mid November. They are all available in my ebay store or direct from me if you want a chance to win a gift certificate.
Thanks for stopping by!
Sampler Charts, over dyed embroidery floss and motto kits at affordable prices

Saturday, September 26, 2015
Antique Dried Flowers floss collection give-away, enter now!
It has been a busy but wonderful week around here. My friends from Kansas stopped by to visit and we had a wonderful time as usual....just never enough time to spend with these terrific gals. I told them if there were more rolling hills, trees and snow in Kansas I would move there!
Today it was back to work.....so I still have a little....little...... room left in my workroom for boxes of floss so I thought I would add an Antique Dried Flowers boxed set. As the title says...they look like dried flowers. Perfect for samplers or your own antique flower garden. They remind me of the flowers and leaves I always pressed between books. I always loved finding them years later after I had long forgotten about them.
Lots of antique favorites in this set. It's a little dark today as we are expecting rain later today so the colors are actually a little lighter than this photo by my monitor. English Iris, Antique Iris, Ivory Foxglove, Wine Foxglove, Brown Eyed Susan, Globeflower, Yellow Coneflower, etc. 12 skeins, 20 yards each. 240 yards of beautiful antique flowers.
I think I will do one more in this series of flower collections, The Old Fashioned Flower Garden. Stay tuned for that one. Remember that these are limited editions and they are selling quickly. Reserve yours today. They are $24.95 plus postage. nbelgian@aol.com
Rules: You must be a follower at the right. Click to follow by Faithful Friends. You must post a comment here. Post on your blog or facebook and get 50 more entries on this one!
Drawing to be November 1st since they are so many drawings in October. Make sure you have signed up for all of them. Lots of goodies going out of here!
Remember that there are surprise gift certificates in with the boxed sets. One in 10 is a winner! Yes...if you bought 10 boxes there would be a gift certificate included. There are 6 of the $25 gift certificates left and one of the $50. I have given out 2 of the $50 (I am adding one more) so far one 2 of the $25 since I started adding these. If you previously bought boxes I add that to your total for the draw.
Back to boxing floss....it's a good thing I love what I do!
Good luck in the drawing!
Today it was back to work.....so I still have a little....little...... room left in my workroom for boxes of floss so I thought I would add an Antique Dried Flowers boxed set. As the title says...they look like dried flowers. Perfect for samplers or your own antique flower garden. They remind me of the flowers and leaves I always pressed between books. I always loved finding them years later after I had long forgotten about them.
Lots of antique favorites in this set. It's a little dark today as we are expecting rain later today so the colors are actually a little lighter than this photo by my monitor. English Iris, Antique Iris, Ivory Foxglove, Wine Foxglove, Brown Eyed Susan, Globeflower, Yellow Coneflower, etc. 12 skeins, 20 yards each. 240 yards of beautiful antique flowers.
I think I will do one more in this series of flower collections, The Old Fashioned Flower Garden. Stay tuned for that one. Remember that these are limited editions and they are selling quickly. Reserve yours today. They are $24.95 plus postage. nbelgian@aol.com
Rules: You must be a follower at the right. Click to follow by Faithful Friends. You must post a comment here. Post on your blog or facebook and get 50 more entries on this one!
Drawing to be November 1st since they are so many drawings in October. Make sure you have signed up for all of them. Lots of goodies going out of here!
Remember that there are surprise gift certificates in with the boxed sets. One in 10 is a winner! Yes...if you bought 10 boxes there would be a gift certificate included. There are 6 of the $25 gift certificates left and one of the $50. I have given out 2 of the $50 (I am adding one more) so far one 2 of the $25 since I started adding these. If you previously bought boxes I add that to your total for the draw.
Back to boxing floss....it's a good thing I love what I do!
Good luck in the drawing!
Monday, September 21, 2015
Favorite things Give-away enter now!
Here we go again! After announcing another Favorite Things winner this morning I am posting another give-away for you to enter.
As promised.....lets have another Favorite Things give-away!!! Those seem to be the "favorite" give-aways.....you tell me your favorite things....floss.....trim bags......hand dyed linen or aida....charts.......a motto kit......lots to choose from.

Rules: You must post a comment here. You must be a follower....click to follow by Faithful Friends at the right. Post on your blog or Facebook and get 25 more entries!
Drawing to be October 15th and you must check back to see if you are a winner. You must follow! Remember...I don't have time to hunt you down! lol
I will have a favorite things give-away in November too... so be sure to keep up with the posts. I don't just do Christmas in December.........I have Christmas all year long! I love to share with my faithful followers. I appreciate all of you and I thank you for following and all the kind comments you leave on the posts. I am blessed in many ways.......especially knowing all of you!
We have a favorite things winner today!
Today we have a winner in the Favorite Things give-away. You tell me your favorite things....and I give them away! These are always so much fun to do and I will do this again in October, November, and it is always in the 12 Days of Christmas give-aways.
The lucky winner is Vickie (A Stitcher's Story). She said she would like floss in pinks and purples.....so I will have a nice floss package for you Vickie. Please email me with your address. Congratulations!
Thanks to all who entered. My next post will be for the October Favorite Things give-away so stay tuned! And be sure to enter....you might win. Just ask Vickie!
The lucky winner is Vickie (A Stitcher's Story). She said she would like floss in pinks and purples.....so I will have a nice floss package for you Vickie. Please email me with your address. Congratulations!
Thanks to all who entered. My next post will be for the October Favorite Things give-away so stay tuned! And be sure to enter....you might win. Just ask Vickie!
Friday, September 18, 2015
The whole Primitive floss collection is finished!
40 hours later....the whole Primitive Floss Collection is finished!
A lot of work....yes. But well worth it. 46 primitive colors,920 yards! Lots of tans, weathered woods, sage, Colonial Lavender, Mossy Stones, Buttercream, Mocha, Cocoa, primitive blues, golds, etc.
This will be $90 (1 free skein) in my ebay store or available direct from me. nbelgian@aol.com
A lot of work....yes. But well worth it. 46 primitive colors,920 yards! Lots of tans, weathered woods, sage, Colonial Lavender, Mossy Stones, Buttercream, Mocha, Cocoa, primitive blues, golds, etc.
This will be $90 (1 free skein) in my ebay store or available direct from me. nbelgian@aol.com
Postage is only $3.50 in the US.....email for an International quote.
I guess if I add more colors I could put it in 2 large gift boxes........maybe at a later date. I have linen to dye first.
Thanks for stopping by!
Wednesday, September 16, 2015
$50 gift certificate winner!
As promised, as I mailed out 3 gift boxes of floss today, one has a $50 gift certificate with it! I do hope the lucky winner will post after she receives it. I would like others to see what goodies you purchase with it.
Here was the original post and I am repeating it as promised. I have mailed out one $25 and one $50 gift certificate this week. One lady had bought 6 boxes of floss so far and she has a great gift from me with this package. I think she will be surprised when she opens the box!
Here was the original post and I am repeating it as promised. I have mailed out one $25 and one $50 gift certificate this week. One lady had bought 6 boxes of floss so far and she has a great gift from me with this package. I think she will be surprised when she opens the box!
Nancy and her Floss Factory! Not Willy Wonka....but great prizes!!!!!
I was chatting with a friend and she said my give-aways were better than Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory! My kids loved that 1971 movie with Gene Wilder........and it made me stop and think on it. You guessed it!!! In Willy Wonka there were 5 candy bars that would have a golden ticket and you had to find one. How about a surprise gift certificate for merchandise from my shop? One out of every 10 boxes will have one!
It's never too early to start buying those gifts for stitching friends. And if you get the gift certificate you can redeem it or give it away! I will give 8 of the $25 gift certificates and 2 of the $50 gift certificates to start the upcoming holiday season. It will be here before you know it!
Read on.....
I got the new gold foil boxes for the Christmas sets. Antique Christmas with reds, greens and gold, and Victorian Christmas with cranberries, greens and golds. I also made the new cards to go with each gift box.
It's never too early to start buying those gifts for stitching friends. And if you get the gift certificate you can redeem it or give it away! I will give 8 of the $25 gift certificates and 2 of the $50 gift certificates to start the upcoming holiday season. It will be here before you know it!
Read on.....
I got the new gold foil boxes for the Christmas sets. Antique Christmas with reds, greens and gold, and Victorian Christmas with cranberries, greens and golds. I also made the new cards to go with each gift box.
This special gift certificate give-away is only available when you buy direct from me, not on ebay. I wanted to give my special followers the chances to win.
I will number and hand sign each certificate. One in 10 is a winner! If you already purchased boxes.....I will make note of that and lower your odds of winning. For instance, a lot of my customers bought two boxes already. So 1 in 8 is a winner. I thought that was only fair because some purchased 4 boxes and more.
The gift certificate will be taped on the bottom of the box. That way you don't have to tear it open to find it.
I thought this was a nice customer appreciation give-away. I have a lot of regular customers and I truly appreciate your business.
I will repeat this post once a week for a while so everyone sees it. I know a lot of you are regular bloggers and some just occasional.
Thanks for stopping by so I could share this fun news with you! Good luck everyone!
I will number and hand sign each certificate. One in 10 is a winner! If you already purchased boxes.....I will make note of that and lower your odds of winning. For instance, a lot of my customers bought two boxes already. So 1 in 8 is a winner. I thought that was only fair because some purchased 4 boxes and more.
The gift certificate will be taped on the bottom of the box. That way you don't have to tear it open to find it.
I thought this was a nice customer appreciation give-away. I have a lot of regular customers and I truly appreciate your business.
I will repeat this post once a week for a while so everyone sees it. I know a lot of you are regular bloggers and some just occasional.
Thanks for stopping by so I could share this fun news with you! Good luck everyone!
Tuesday, September 15, 2015
Mother's Flower Garden winner today!
We have a winner of the Mother's Flower Garden boxed floss set. 12 skeins, 20 yards each.
Delphiniums, Phlox and Columbines in this set. Each boxed set has a different name and different floss.
Today the lucky winner is: Rosey175
Congratulations! Please email me and give me your address.
Thanks to all who entered...be sure you have entered each give-away that I currently have right now.
Have a great day! I know one stitcher who will!
Delphiniums, Phlox and Columbines in this set. Each boxed set has a different name and different floss.
Today the lucky winner is: Rosey175
Congratulations! Please email me and give me your address.
Thanks to all who entered...be sure you have entered each give-away that I currently have right now.
Have a great day! I know one stitcher who will!
Sunday, September 13, 2015
Thank you! I have the best followers!
I just wanted to take the time to write a brief post to thank all of you for your kind words and offers to help me card the floss. It really lifted my spirits after being so overwhelmed with all of this work to do. I have a couple more 10 hour days left and then I will be happy with the thousands of cards that I did. I wanted to do 100 of each color to start and for most of the colors I did a lot more than that. I have a deadline as some of my Kansas friends are coming to visit in a couple weeks and I always like to have new merchandise to show them. Even if I didn't we would still have a great time but it makes it more fun with more goodies!
I finally got the part I ordered 4 weeks ago for my sewing machine so I will be whipping up new sewing necessaries this week......of course I will give one away! Stay tuned....you know there is always a gift going out of here to a stitching friend.
Thanks for stopping by....and thanks again for being such supportive and caring friends/followers. I truly am blessed!
I finally got the part I ordered 4 weeks ago for my sewing machine so I will be whipping up new sewing necessaries this week......of course I will give one away! Stay tuned....you know there is always a gift going out of here to a stitching friend.
Thanks for stopping by....and thanks again for being such supportive and caring friends/followers. I truly am blessed!
Friday, September 11, 2015
Auntie's Flower Garden boxed floss set give-away, enter now!
This is the last boxed set of floss in the Flower Garden series for now. Of course I may change my mind tomorrow if I dye more floss but the odds of that happening at the moment are a million to one. I am swamped with counting floss and putting it on cards. Hundreds of cards, thousands of cards and tens of thousands of yards of floss. Not going into a lot of detail......my helpers weren't able to do much floss so I am doing it 10 hours a day all week. Not much time for anything else...except a fun give-away! That will cheer me up!
Auntie's Flower Garden. In this boxed set of 12 colors, 20 yards per skein, are Marigolds, Hollyhocks and Dahlias. More beautiful colors to add to your flower collection.
You must be a follower at the right. Click to follow by Faithful Friends. You must post a comment here. Post a comment on each give-away that you want to enter.
Post on your blog or facebook and get 25 more entries!
Drawing to be October 5th. You must check back to see if you are a winner...you must follow!
Good luck everyone!
Auntie's Flower Garden. In this boxed set of 12 colors, 20 yards per skein, are Marigolds, Hollyhocks and Dahlias. More beautiful colors to add to your flower collection.
You must be a follower at the right. Click to follow by Faithful Friends. You must post a comment here. Post a comment on each give-away that you want to enter.
Post on your blog or facebook and get 25 more entries!
Drawing to be October 5th. You must check back to see if you are a winner...you must follow!
Good luck everyone!
Thursday, September 10, 2015
How to plump up your chenille trims
After I dye chenille trims they are dried and then wound on a card. Over time the trims can flatten. The more that is wound on a card or a cone in my case, the more it flattens. I wanted to plump up some of the trims.....and all you need to do is to wet the chenille, blot it semi dry between two paper towels and then pop it in the dryer! Fluffy and round again in a short time. Kind of like the old chenille bedspreads that flattened over time and needed washing and the dryer fluffed them back to new again.
For each of these 3 colors you can see the flatter piece of trim on the left and the fluffier and rounded trim on the right after it is dampened and put through the dryer. New again!
I just wanted to share that with you. A lot of you like a flatter trim but if you need a rounded trim, if you are couching, then this would fix it for you.
Thanks for stopping by!
Monday, September 7, 2015
I picked 12 of the new Primitive colors and put together a gift box. Lets give one away! Drawing to be October 7th, lots of time to enter.
Rules: You must be a follower at the right. Click to follow by Faithful Friends. You must post a comment here. Post on your blog or Facebook and get 50 more entries! We want lots of people to enter and have a chance to win. These gift boxes are $24.99 and come with a fold over gift card. Makes a great gift for your stitching friends. I know they are on my Christmas list to give away.
I will have 39 of the new colors available in a couple days.
Thanks for stopping by!
Friday, September 4, 2015
Nancy and her Floss Factory! Not Willy Wonka....but great prizes!!!!!
I was chatting with a friend and she said my give-aways were better than Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory! My kids loved that 1971 movie with Gene Wilder........and it made me stop and think on it. You guessed it!!! In Willy Wonka there were 5 candy bars that would have a golden ticket and you had to find one. How about a surprise gift certificate for merchandise from my shop? One out of every 10 boxes will have one!
It's never too early to start buying those gifts for stitching friends. And if you get the gift certificate you can redeem it or give it away! I will give 8 of the $25 gift certificates and 2 of the $50 gift certificates to start the upcoming holiday season. It will be here before you know it!
Read on.....
I got the new gold foil boxes for the Christmas sets. Antique Christmas with reds, greens and gold, and Victorian Christmas with cranberries, greens and golds. I also made the new cards to go with each gift box.
This special gift certificate give-away is only available when you buy direct from me, not on ebay. I wanted to give my special followers the chances to win.
I will number and hand sign each certificate. One in 10 is a winner! If you already purchased boxes.....I will make note of that and lower your odds of winning. For instance, a lot of my customers bought two boxes already. So 1 in 8 is a winner. I thought that was only fair because some purchased 4 boxes and more.
The gift certificate will be taped on the bottom of the box. That way you don't have to tear it open to find it.
I thought this was a nice customer appreciation give-away. I have a lot of regular customers and I truly appreciate your business.
I will repeat this post once a week for a while so everyone sees it. I know a lot of you are regular bloggers and some just occasional.
My new floss colors will be done on Monday and I am picking them up. ALL done for me! The guild needed a few extra days to get them all done and then I will have 50 new colors to list! Sounds like I can get another boxed set out of there. There are a lot of great weathered and primitive colors in the new colors. I will post a picture when I get them back.
Email if you are interested in any of the gift boxes. nbelgian@aol.com. The 12 skein boxes are $24.99, 2 Autums sets, One Halloween Collection and Mother's Flower Garden, and the large Grandmother's flower garden is $56 and has 28 skeins. All 20 yards each. All new colors this fall.
Thanks for stopping by. Now I can hardly wait until the Christmas give-aways begin!
Nancy from the Floss Factory
It's never too early to start buying those gifts for stitching friends. And if you get the gift certificate you can redeem it or give it away! I will give 8 of the $25 gift certificates and 2 of the $50 gift certificates to start the upcoming holiday season. It will be here before you know it!
Read on.....
I got the new gold foil boxes for the Christmas sets. Antique Christmas with reds, greens and gold, and Victorian Christmas with cranberries, greens and golds. I also made the new cards to go with each gift box.
This special gift certificate give-away is only available when you buy direct from me, not on ebay. I wanted to give my special followers the chances to win.
I will number and hand sign each certificate. One in 10 is a winner! If you already purchased boxes.....I will make note of that and lower your odds of winning. For instance, a lot of my customers bought two boxes already. So 1 in 8 is a winner. I thought that was only fair because some purchased 4 boxes and more.
The gift certificate will be taped on the bottom of the box. That way you don't have to tear it open to find it.
I thought this was a nice customer appreciation give-away. I have a lot of regular customers and I truly appreciate your business.
I will repeat this post once a week for a while so everyone sees it. I know a lot of you are regular bloggers and some just occasional.
My new floss colors will be done on Monday and I am picking them up. ALL done for me! The guild needed a few extra days to get them all done and then I will have 50 new colors to list! Sounds like I can get another boxed set out of there. There are a lot of great weathered and primitive colors in the new colors. I will post a picture when I get them back.
Email if you are interested in any of the gift boxes. nbelgian@aol.com. The 12 skein boxes are $24.99, 2 Autums sets, One Halloween Collection and Mother's Flower Garden, and the large Grandmother's flower garden is $56 and has 28 skeins. All 20 yards each. All new colors this fall.
Thanks for stopping by. Now I can hardly wait until the Christmas give-aways begin!
Nancy from the Floss Factory
Tuesday, September 1, 2015
Autumn Floss winner today!
We have a winner today for a gift box of my newest floss colors in the Autumn Collection.

The winner is: The Eskimo's wife
Congratulations! Please email me, nbelgian@aol.com, and give me your address.
Thanks to all who entered.....be sure you have signed up for the other give-aways....lots of floss going out of here!
Have a great day!
The winner is: The Eskimo's wife
Congratulations! Please email me, nbelgian@aol.com, and give me your address.
Thanks to all who entered.....be sure you have signed up for the other give-aways....lots of floss going out of here!
Have a great day!
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